Dr Prue Francis; Senior Lecturer in Marine Science and Professional Practice in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences and the Course Director of the Bachelor of Marine Science at Deakin University.
My marine education background and expertise translates into my research interest focusing on the extent to which ocean literacy is being taught in schools across Australia and exploring innovative methods to promote ocean literacy through research, education, and engagement. I actively promote ocean literacy through regular appearances on radio and I have recently co-authored a children’s book called The Great Southern Reef (by Paul Venzo, Prue Francis; illustrated by Cate James). I also have a research interest in the growing seaweed industry in Australia, where I am utilising the state-of-the-art flow-through seawater aquarium systems at Deakin’s Queenscliff Marine Science Centre to explore optimisation of cultivation techniques for local seaweed species for farming and restoration purposes.