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Teacher Resources

Tangaroa Blue® Foundation

Citizen science project and education kits centred around key environmental concepts such as consumption, pollution, and solutions.  With hands-on experiences, students develop stewardship and ultimately become part of the solution for marine debris.

Teacher’s guide to Victorian estuaries

EstuaryWatch's Exploring Estuaries guide provides teachers and educators with a number of fun lesson plans linked to the Australian Curriculum.

The Global Ocean

Year 3-4Year 5-6
Author: Rochelle Strauss  Diving into a sea of knowledge: empowering teachers to enhance ocean literacy in primary schools through an ocean education training program with fascinating information, stunning visuals and plenty of calls to action.

Waves supply nutrients to marine ecosystems

Year 7-8Year 9-10
This video, along with reflection questions, explores the essential role of waves in marine ecosystems by helping to deliver nutrients that support plankton growth and other marine life, ultimately impacting the health of the ocean environment.

Wet Paper books for free

These resource materials actively engaged children with the aid of graded readers with reading recovery levels, teacher's guides, big books, audio tapes, games and felt board characters which come to life in stories about sea safety and marine conservation.

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